Using the IC

Submitting a Proposal

Find out how you can submit a governance proposal that can be voted on by the governance participants of the Internet Computer

IC Academy » Network Nervous System » Submitting a Proposal

Submitting Governance Proposals

Participating in the governance process of the Internet Computer by creating proposals

Governance Participation

Neuron holders (i.e. those who have staked ICP tokens) are encouraged to submit proposals and vote on proposals if they wish to actively participate in the governance process of the Internet Computer.

The following covers how you can submit a governance proposal. If you want to learn how you can vote, have a look at Voting on a Governance Proposal.

Proposal Submission

At the present moment, it is only possible to submit proposals by using the SDK command-line interface (dfx). You can submit a proposal to the Network Nervous System (NNS) by using calls to the governance canister.

We will update this page as soon as proposal submission through the NNS dApp is possible. 

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Let’s explore how Internet Identity builds on Web Authentication (WebAuthn) API supported by modern  operating systems and web browsers to enable anonymous blockchain authentication

How Internet Identity works

Create Internet Identity

Internet Identity gives you access to the Network Nervous System, your ICP tokens and IC dApps. Find out how you can create your Internet Identity in 2 minutes.

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