Using the IC

What is Internet Identity

The Internet Identity is your key to the Internet Computer. Learn what the Internet Identity is and how you can use it

IC Academy » Internet Identity » What is Internet Identity

What is Internet Identity?

Internet Identity makes usernames and passwords obsolete. Let’s have a look at what the Internet Identity is and how it works.

Introduction to Internet Identity

The Internet Computer supports Internet Identity, which is an anonymous blockchain authentication framework. 

What is Internet Identity?

Internet Identity is a blockchain authentication system that allows users to access dApps on the Internet Computer securely and anonymously. Internet Identity empowers users to authenticate themselves without the need for usernames and passwords.

With the aid of Internet Identity, users can create one or more identity “anchors” they can use to authenticate themselves with. These anchors are assigned to compatible cryptographically enabled devices, such as a fingerprint sensor on a smartphone/laptop, face ID system or portable Hardware Security Module (HSM) such as a YubiKey or Ledger wallet.

Supported Authentication Devices

Fingerprint Sensor

Such as the fingerprint sensor on a smartphone or laptop

Face ID System

Such as the face ID system used on a smartphone

Portable HSM

Hardware Security Modules , such as YubiKey or Ledger wallet

Once created, Internet Identity empowers users to register and login to any dApp on the Internet Computer with any of the devices assigned to their Internet Identity anchor.

Advantages of Internet Identity

Users of Internet Identity benefit from a range of advantages that come with the anonymous blockchain authentication framework:

Not only makes Internet Identity usernames and passwords obsolete but it also enables users to prevent sharing personal identifying information with dApps or Internet Identity itself.

Next, we can have a look at how Internet Identity works and how you can create one.

How does Internet Identity work?

Let’s explore how Internet Identity builds on Web Authentication (WebAuthn) API supported by modern  operating systems and web browsers to enable anonymous blockchain authentication

How Internet Identity works

Create Internet Identity

Internet Identity gives you access to the Network Nervous System, your ICP tokens and IC dApps. Find out how you can create your Internet Identity in 2 minutes.

Create your Identity