Using the IC

What are Neurons?

Learn more about the neurons of the Network Nervous System (NNS) and what purpose they serve

IC Academy » Using the Internet Computer » What are Neurons?

Introduction to Neurons

Understanding the Network Nervous System (NNS)

Governance of the Internet Computer

The Internet Computer is a decentralized blockchain. All changes to its configuration are governed by the Network Nervous System (NNS) which is the governance body of the Internet Computer.

What is the Network Nervous System (NNS)?

The NNS is the controlling mechanism which governs the Internet Computer. It is a tokenized open governance system that manages decision making in the IC ecosystem.

Only members of the Internet Computer’s governance body are able to vote on proposals for upgrading/modifying the Internet Computer protocol.

Neurons and Governance

The native utility token of the Internet Computer (ICP token) is a liquid asset that does not represent a stake in the network or a stable commitment to its governance. Users that wish to participate in governance are therefore required to convert their ICP tokens to neurons. A neuron can have a lock-up period (i.e. disolve-delay) of up to 8 years.

What is a Neuron?

Network participants need to lock up their ICP utility tokens by creating a neuron to vote on governance proposals. A neuron represents ICP tokens that cannot be exchanged or transferred during the predetermined lock-up period.

Benefits of locking ICP tokens in a neuron

Individuals or organizations that lock ICP utility tokens in a neuron benefit from the following:

It is important to note that you need to vote in order to receive staking rewards. This can be done manually but we will also show you how you can automate your voting to maximize voting rewards.

Voting Rewards

Network participants are incentivized to participate in governance votes by receiving voting rewards. These rewards are proportional to the number of ICP tokens that are locked up in a neuron and the duration of the lock-up period.

Managing Neurons

Find out how you can manage neurons in the NNS dApp after creating a neuron

Manage Neurons

Voting on Proposals

Participate in the Internet Computer’s governance by voting on proposals

How to Vote