Using the IC

What is the ICP token?

Internet Computer Protocol tokens (ICP) are the native utility token of the Internet Computer. Discover what ICP tokens are and how they can be used

IC Academy » ICP token » What is the ICP token?

Introduction to the ICP Token

Learn more about the native utility token of the Internet Computer

What is the Internet Computer Protocol token (ICP)?

The Internet Computer token (ICP) is the native utility token of the Internet Computer. It enables users of the IC to participate in the ecosystem and to govern the blockchain network of the Internet Computer.

How is the ICP token used?

The native utility token of the Internet Computer serves a variety of different functions and plays a key role in the economics and governance of the Internet Computer:


Participating in the Internet Computer’s governance is possible by staking ICP in Neurons.

Cycle Conversion

ICP can be converted into cycles.
The IC’s canisters (computational units, i.e. smart contracts) are powered by these cycles.

Staking ICP

The ICP token can be staked in Neurons, allowing you to earn rewards and to participate in governance.


Any kind of transaction on the IC is powered by ICP tokens, ranging from transaction fees for transfers to exchanging ICP for other assets

Use cases based on user group

There are different use cases for the ICP token which depend on the user group and their goals and acquiring tokens.

The token value may fluctuate depending on supply and demand. For this reason, tokens are not directly used to pay for resources on the IC.


There are different ways to get your very first ICP tokens. Learn how you can buy ICP from centralized/decentralized exchanges or through other activites

Get ICP tokens

Staking ICP Tokens

Learn how you can stake ICP tokens on the Network Nervous System (NNS)

Stake ICP